Understanding the “this” keyword in Javascript

The this keyword always refers to an object.

We can use it outside of any function in the global scope but most often it is used inside a function (otherwise known as a method, when the function is defined inside an object).

When it is used within a method, it refers to the object on which the method is being invoked.

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CSS Centering

Horizontal centering.

When the element to be centered is an inline element we use text-align center on its parent.

When the element is a block level element we give it a width and set the left and right margins to a value of auto.

Vertical centering

The values for vertical-align have meaning with respect to a parent inline element.

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How WordPress Actually Works Behind the Scenes (Infographic)

This terrific infographic is courtesy of wpbeginner.com. Im taking the liberty of storing a copy here just in case something happens to the original. View the whole post which comes with a complete text/html version of the info graphic also.

Without further ado… Continue reading “How WordPress Actually Works Behind the Scenes (Infographic)”