Mighty Aphrodite (1995)

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Rating: Woody Allen

Lenny and Amanda have an adopted son Max who turns out to be brilliant. Lenny becomes obsessed with finding Max’s real parents because he believes that they too must be brilliant. When he finds that Linda Ash is Max’ real mother, Lenny is disappointed. Linda is a prostitute and porn star. On top of that, she is quite possibly the dumbest person Lenny has ever met. Interwoven is a Greek chorus linking the story with the story of Oedipus.—–Sportswriter Lenny Weinrib and his wife adopt a baby from an anonymous mother. A few years pass, and Lenny starts to wonder about the woman. Curiosity quickly gets the better of him, so he steals files from the adoption agency and sets out to find her. He is eager partly because he wants to reunite mother and son, but mostly because he is neurotically obsessed with Greek tragedy (Is the mom a knockout? Will Oedipus Rex” relive itself